Make the McKenzie Connection!

Be careful on Hwy. 242

Oregon Dept. of Transportation crews finally completed blowing snow out of the middle of Highway 242 late Monday. However, according to ODOT spokesman Rick Little, "It is very important that early users understand they will likely encounter a layer of ice on the asphalt when temperatures remain near freezing and high water conditions when the temperature is warmer."

In addition, and very importantly, the extreme cold temperatures of the winter have resulted in the heaving of asphalt at two locations:  Milepost 72.01 and 75.03.

"These will likely not settle and will need maintenance attention before the highway is opened for the season (which means additional trucks and equipment in the roadway)," Little notes. "As of now, the locations are marked with warning signs, but if bicyclists come upon them fast, it could create a serious situation. Temporary, and seasonal obstacles like the asphalt heaving are why we stress that pedestrians and bicyclists use the highway at their own risk until it opens June 16 (weather permitting)."


McKenzie River Reflections


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