Make the McKenzie Connection!
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Compost pile By Denise Ruttan Compost organic matter such as animal manure to feed your garden. Photo courtesy Tufts University Don't get rid of the manure that chickens, horses or llamas leave behind. Animal manure is rich in nutrients that make it a great organic fertilizer for your garden, said Melissa Fery, an instructor with the Oregon State University Extension Service's small farms program. "Manure is a low-cost fertilizer and a wonderful way to utilize nutrients instead of creating a pile that is not getting used and could be harmful...
Klan in Portland By Finn J.D. John In early 1921, an outgoing Louisiana salesman named Luther Powell crossed the border from California to Oregon, with business on his mind. Powell was a “Kleagle.” His job was to recruit new members for the newly resurgent Ku Klux Klan, collecting the $10 membership fee from each. His commission was a whopping 40 percent. And the Oregon territory was wide open. Sending in the Klowns Powell’s arrival in the Beaver State kicked off a short but interesting period that most Oregonians today would rather not think...