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Articles from the November 6, 2012 edition

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  • How to find the nutrient values of organic fertilizers

    Nov 6, 2012

    An organic field By Judy Scott Gardening resources often recommend chemical fertilizers with N-P-K (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) ratios, but for organic gardeners, the numbers can be frustrating. Manure and other organic materials often don't come with N-P-K ratings, especially if purchased in bulk. Organic gardeners are in luck. Ross Penhallegon, horticulturalist with the Oregon State University Extension Service, collected information about the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content of many organic substances commonly used as...

  • Senator John H. Mitchell was the Snidely Whiplash of frontier Oregon

    Nov 6, 2012

    John Mitchell of Oregon By Finn J.D. John When you’re watching a melodrama, you know right away who the villain is. That’s him over there, twirling a sinister handlebar moustache beneath a sleek silk hat and telling the pretty widow and her nine orphan children to kiss their beloved homestead goodbye. But that’s melodrama, right? And the next scene is always one in which the hero foils the villain’s evil plan. But this scene wasn’t melodrama. It was real life. The widow was Mrs. Mary Jane Balch, wife of the first man hanged in the history of th...

  • Planting "Mighty Matos"

    Nov 6, 2012

  • “Invitation dinner” served in Leaburg

    Nov 6, 2012

    Leaburg invitation dinner LEABURG: A new “restaurant” opened Sunday, featuring the culinary talents of Chef Carl Olson (formerly of the Holiday Farm Resort). A roomful of people enjoyed a salmon dinner, flavored throughout, from salad to dessert, with products from Walterville’s McKenzie River Lavender Farm.This eatery appeared in the 1910 historic house just west of the Ken Scott River Run Gallery in Leaburg. Scott is the owner of several buildings fronting a portion of the McKenzie Highway, as well as the back gardens, and has sugge...

  • Remember our Vets

    Nov 6, 2012

    McKenzie River Reflections...