Make the McKenzie Connection!

What funds would be used for

Several projects must be completed before any talks about actual reconstruction of the Arch could occur. These projects include:

Feasibility Study - $6,500

Much of the public comment on the project has been supportive of locating the Springfield/McKenzie Arch adjacent to Hwy. 126 in the east Thurston area.

Deliverables: Written overview of the topography of any proposed site, traffic access recommendations, and any other issues to address.

Operations/Business Concept - $4,500   

Based on the agreed direction for the project, the consultant will research and generate a conceptual operations/business study for the proposed uses. The goal is to create an educational/tourist venue that is self-sustaining or possibly revenue generating. Core uses will be described to outline the operational structure of the project. Conceptual budgets will be identified for project elements. Funding opportunities for capital improvements and for annual operating expenses, as well as revenue from educational and visitor activities and from on site concessions (food service, book sales, bike rentals, etc) will be identified. The operations/business concept will be based on research of case studies of similar organizations and programs. The operations/business concept will be valuable for testing the viability of the project, for fundraising and for attracting programs or concessionaires.

Deliverables: Written overview of proposed site activities, costs and income projections.


Master Plan Design and Drawing - $8,000

Based on the work produced in meetings and design workshops, the consultant will complete master site planning and concept design of individual elements.  The design will be presented in a large-format sheet illustrating the overall Springfield Gateway Arch master plan. Included will be a brief overview description, project concepts and themes, the regional context of the project, an overall plan and identification of individual project features, and vignettes or photos of special elements.

Elements of the scheme include:

•    Make use of the strong history and traditions of the city of Springfield and McKenzie River areas, nearby historic buildings and landscapes for recreation and learning

•    Provide needed services: rest area

•    Interpretive material describing the structures, equipment, systems and activities of other significant sites

•    Explore development of food service opportunity

•    Possible interpretive path - potential for a safe connection to Ridgeline Trail system

Deliverables: Presentation sheet in digital color format suitable for projection, large-format poster or small-format reproduction. Printing cost for poster is included.

Public Meeting Preparation and Presentations - $2,500

Two public meetings are proposed, one in the McKenzie River area and one in Springfield.  The purpose of the meetings is to present the ideas for the arch in a way that will build support for the project and inform the public. The consultant will produce flyers to promote the meetings, for distribution by the Friends of the Springfield Arch. The consultant will prepare and present a digital presentation/overview of the project at both meetings and be available for questions and comments. Meeting scheduling and location are the responsibility of the Friends of the Springfield Arch.

Deliverables: Flyer for public meeting promotion, printed hand out for meeting with room for commentary on the back. Presentation includes project history, concepts, master plan, funding and possible next steps.


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