Make the McKenzie Connection!

Enriching Downtown

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“Azul, A Venue For Art,” opened with a celebration on July 14th. The Blue River gallery highlights art, craft events and specialty workshops, The current show features sixteen upriver artists along with San Francisco painter Hailey Malaika O. Clarke. “Malaika is my sister, and has put her fair share into making Azul a reality” says co-owner Cricket Clarke. “My Mom was the instigator of the gallery as she wanted a show space for her new series of paintings that capture organic movement in vibrant colors.” Jane, co-owner of Azul says “creating art is a way to bring community together, it is amazing to see how much talent is in our own back yard.” Azul is open Saturdays 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. through the Autumn months and is serving complimentary hot tea to warm people’s hands as they indulge their eyes. Key attractions include hip fabric feather flare, pine needle creations, jewelry, local photography, wild crafted body products and sweet lavender dolls. For those who don’t know much about welded, metal, kinky shoes, it’s the place to get schooled. On Saturday, October 7th, Malaika will be live painting throughout the day and there will be hula hoop demos and trick lessons from 5 ‘til 6 p.m. Sheri Smith, who was recently awarded ‘Best of Show’ at the Sun River Art Faire, will be giving a pine needle, pendant workshop on October 21st. Participants will make their own pendant. Call Jane for information and reservations at 949-433-5840. A Pumpkin Carving party is set for Saturday, October 28th, from to 5 p.m. B.Y.O.P. (bring your own pumpkin). Stop in Halloween afternoon for a photo in your costume. “Come meet us,” is Cricket’s request, who adds, “find a one of a kind gift for the holidays and keep your ears open for future events.”


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