Make the McKenzie Connection!

Angling opportunities coming at Discovery Center

LEABURG LAKE: The Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife's Restoration and Enhancement Board has awarded a $20,000 grant to the McKenzie River Discovery Center for the restoration/conversion of the old hatchery pond into a community fishing pond.

The money has been earmarked to provide increased angling and education/outreach opportunities for youth, the McKenzie River community, and underserved populations, as well as urban families. It will be used to create a safe place and controlled environment for anglers to catch stocked trout. Other goals of the grant include. "Building on educational information about aquatic ecology and history of fishing on the McKenzie that is already on location." Those key points include the evolution of the McKenzie Drift Boat and fishing guides, along with education about the unique geology and hydrology of the basin.

Other project goals range from explaining the history of the old ODFW hatchery and utilizing facilities and amenities that already exist there to reconnect ODFW to a portion of its historical legacy in the basin.

Work is planned to begin during the months of July/August when the ground is dry enough to get into the earthen pond to remove invasives and sediment before laying matts down.

An outreach is planned to coordinate volunteer opportunities as the calendar moves forward.


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