Look at our beautiful school and the heart of our community. We are all so grateful it survived the fire. But now as we rebuild our community let’s not forget the needs of our school. For the past 2 years a committee of staff, community members and administration has worked hard to assess the needs of our facilities, and come up with a plan. Those needs and plan were presented to the board.
Our school bond for $15,215,000 is coming up for a vote in the May election and I am voting yes because I believe it’s what our community, students and upcoming students need to excel in the future. Tied to this bond is a 4 million matching grant from the state, that would be very difficult to receive again. Our elementary school is 60 years old, needed repairs and retrofits would cost nearly as much as a new building. Very little there was addressed in our previous bond (passed some 20 odd years ago and is fully paid).
I know your heart hurts like mine over our losses, even evident in this picture, but I am hopeful the passage of the bond will be a wonderful thing for our community as we look to a new future.
You can find more information here about the details of the bond: https://www.mckenzie.k12.or.us/.../page/bond-measure-20-321
We are also here to answer any questions along with our fellow board members.
Elaine Bryson McKenzie School District Board Position 4 and Tim Holloran McKenzie School District Board Chair.
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