Make the McKenzie Connection!

Kendall backs VMCC

With underwriting from Kendall Auto Group’s Hope Project, Vida McKenzie Community Center is holding a family friendly BINGO Drive-Thru Fundraiser on July 10th from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The entry cost is only $25 per person and includes one Bingo card (but you can buy more at $5/card if you wish,) free admission to the Lavender Bloom Festival, a fabulous lunch prepared by Vinnie’s Smoke’in BBQ and live music.

Here is how it works: Sign up in advance at or mail your check to VMCC P.O. Box 163, Vida, OR, 97488. On the day of the event, drive to Patsy’s Stage Stop Restaurant in Cedar Flat to check in, obtain your Bingo card(s), pick up your “goodie bag” complete with a map of all eight stops and you will have your Bingo card marked with the first two randomly drawn numbers. From there, you proceed to each of the stops along the McKenzie Highway where friendly volunteers will continue to mark your card with two numbers. Your last stop will find you at McKenzie Track where you will be treated to a delicious lunch and live music. At 2:45p.m. the final numbers will be called and the winner of a drift down the McKenzie will be the person holding the card that comes closest to a “regular” Bingo.

What a wonderful way to spend a summer afternoon! What a wonderful way to support the rebuilding of our Community Center, lost in the Holiday Farm Fire. Thank-you Kendall for your generous support!

Gerry Aster, VMCC


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