Make the McKenzie Connection!

Sheriff's Report - Nov. 4

Oct. 23: 11:30 a.m: Threat, Harassment - 88900 block, Easy Ln. Caller reported that two known subjects were ‘bad mouthing’ the caller and sending threats via text message.

1:04 p.m: Suspicious Condi-tions - 39500 blk, McK. Hwy. While walking along a trail the caller found an urn and picture.

11:25 p.m: 55400 blk, McK River Dr. Caller reports that a former resident came to his address and put some of his property in a tote. The former resident left when confronted.

Oct. 24: 2:18 a.m: Theft - Terwilliger Hot Springs. Caller reported that the catalytic converter was stolen from the caller’s vehicle while parked at the Terwilliger Hot Springs.

5:03 a.m: Alarm - 39200 blk, McK. Hwy.

9:29 a.m: Fire, Down Line - 38200 blk, McK. Hwy.

12:00 p.m: Theft - 55400 blk, McK. River Dr.

4:13 p.m: Civil Service - 91500 blk, Dearborn Island Rd.

4:28 p.m: Civil Service - 54600 blk, Caddis Ln.

Oct. 25: 11:57 a.m: Suspicious Conditions - Wendling Rd. Caller discovered a safe dumped at the end of the road. The safe was broken open.

4:05 p.m: Assist, Follow Up - 51700 blk, Blue River Dr.

4:10 p.m: Unattended Boat – Bellinger Landing.

5:56 p.m: Threat, Harassment - 44900 blk, Leaburg Dam Rd.

8:08 p.m: Weapon, Shots Fired - 44900 blk, Leaburg Dam Rd.

8:07 p.m: Assist Fire Dept. - 44200 blk, McK. Hwy.

Oct. 26: 11:11 a.m: Unlawful Use of Vehicle - 43900 blk, McK. Hwy.

1:07 p.m: Disoriented Subject - 42000 blk, Holden Creek Ln.

1:22 p.m: Weapon, Shots Fired - 44900 blk, Leaburg Dam Rd.

3:04 p.m: Civil Service - 8600 blk, Thurston Rd.

3:32 p.m: Suspicious Conditions - 8600 blk, Thurston Rd.

Oct. 27: 12:00 a.m: Traffic Hazard - Marcola Rd. & Log Creek Rd.

2:39 a.m: Injured Animal - Marcola Rd. Milepost 4.

12:29 p.m: Vehicle Stop - Marcola Rd. Mp. 4.

12:33 p.m: Civil Service - 8600 blk, Thurston Rd.

1:00 p.m: Assist, Citizen Contact - 44900 blk, Leaburg Dam Rd.

2:49 p.m: Weapon, Shots Fired - 45600 blk, McK. Hwy.

6:04 p.m: Disturbance, Dispute - 44900 blk, Leaburg Dam Rd.

10:16 p.m: Tree Down - 55600 blk, McK. River Dr.

11:55 p.m: Incomplete 911 Call - Lat: 44.172560 Long: -122.857769.

Oct. 28: 12:53 p.m: Unattended Boat – Bellinger Landing.

1:45 p.m: Assist, Citizen Con-tact - 38800 blk, McK. Hwy.

3:11 p.m: Vehicle Stop - McK. Hwy. & Twin Firs Rd.

3:29 p.m: Vehicle Stop - McK. Hwy. & Ross Ln.

4:00 p.m: Suspicious Vehicle - 44500 blk, McK. Hwy.

5:15 p.m: Criminal Trespass - 91800 blk, Mill Creek Rd.

5:56 p.m: Assist, Follow Up - 55000 blk, McK. River Dr.

6:20 p.m: Weapon, Shots Fired - 44900 blk, Leaburg Dam Rd.

Oct. 29: 10:20 a.m: Suspicious Conditions - McK. River Dr. & McK. Hwy.

10:28 a.m: Weapon, Shots Fired - 44800 blk, Leaburg Dam Rd.

12:06 p.m: Violation of Re-straining Order - 45800 blk, McK. Hwy.

3:03 p.m: Illegal Burn - McK. River Dr. & Mill Creek Rd.

3:27 p.m: Vehicle Stop - Goodpasture Rd. Mp. 5.

3:31 p.m: Illegal Parking - Goodpasture Rd. Mp. 5.

5:24 p.m: Vehicle Stop - McK. Hwy. Mp. 49.

5:35 p.m: Suspicious Vehicle - Mountain View Ln. & McK. Hwy.

6:20 p.m: Animal At Large - 88400 blk, Stephens Rd.

7:12 p.m: Threat, Harassment - 44900 blk, Leaburg Dam Rd.

7:37 p.m: Vandalism, Littering - 47800 blk, McK. Hwy.

Oct. 30: 7:31 a.m: Welfare Check - 93100 blk, Ewing Rd.

10:59 a.m: Assault - 36600 blk, Parsons Creek Rd.

11:02 a.m: Burglary - 44800 blk, McK. Hwy.

12:13 p.m: Criminal Trespass - 44900 blk, Leaburg Dam Rd.

1:28 p.m: Disturbance, Menacing - Shotgun Creek Rd. & Marcola Rd.

3:04 p.m: Criminal Trespass - 46100 blk, Goodpasture Rd.

3:11 p.m: Weapon, Shots Fired - 44900 blk, Leaburg Dam Rd.

4:50 p.m: Citizen Contact - 44800 blk, McK. Hwy.

6:16 p.m: Vehicle Stop - McK. Hwy.& Holden Creek Ln.

6:40 p.m: Vehicle Stop - McK. Hwy.& Holden Creek Ln.

7:15 p.m: Citizen Contact - 91800 blk, Mill Creek Rd.

7:31 p.m: Suspicious Conditions - Mohawk area.

Oct. 31: 12:38 a.m: Alarm - 42700 blk, McK. Hwy.

8:01 a.m: Elder Abuse - 49900 blk, McK. Hwy.

9:35 a.m: Fraud - 38800 blk, Camp Creek Rd.

10:30 a.m: Found Property - La Lone Rd. & Tree Farm Rd.

1:49 p.m: Injured Animal - 36400 blk, McGowan Creek Rd.

4:30 p.m: Assist Motorist - McK. Hwy. Mp37.

6:11 p.m: Vehicle Stop - La Lone Rd. & Tree Farm Rd.

Nov. 1: 12:24 p.m: Fraud - 43700 blk, McK. Hwy.

2:41 p.m: Weapon, Shots Fired - 44900 blk, Leaburg Dam Rd.

6:28 p.m: Elder Abuse - 41900 blk, McK. Hwy.

8:21 p.m: Motor Vehicle Acci-dent, No Injury - Marcola Rd. & Sunderman Rd.

8:37 p.m: Weapon, Shots Fired - 45800 blk, McK. Hwy.

8:39 p.m: Weapon, Shots Fired - Goodpasture Rd. & McK. Hwy.

8:44 p.m: Weapon, Shots Fired - Goodpasture Rd. & McK. Hwy.

10:21 p.m: Alarm - 43100 blk, McK. Hwy.


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