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I never ordered these products from Rodan + Fields. How do I get a refund?

Wendy Schlessinger receives skincare products from Rodan + Fields that she didn't order. Should she dispute the charges on her charge card? Or is there a better way to get her money back?

Rodan + Fields, a skincare company, recently shipped me a product I did not order. I disputed the charge on my Discover card, and I immediately received a credit for the order. But after investigating my claim, Discover reinstated the charge.

I returned the merchandise and have confirmation of a return. I also requested a full refund. I didn't receive one, so I filed another chargeback with Discover. Again, I received a credit which was later reversed.

I called Rodan + Fields, inquiring about the status of the refund. I received a letter via email stating the company was processing a return. It's been six months since the initial shipment. I have still not received a refund. Can you help me get my $461 back?

Wendy Schlessinger, Eagleville, Pa.

You should get a quick refund from Rodan + Fields, but there's a reason for the delay -- all those charge card disputes!

You filed two separate disputes while you tried to return the product. I've always referred to credit card disputes as the "nuclear" option. Why? Because once you start one, your options for an appeal are limited. You can go to court, file a complaint with law enforcement -- or you can contact a consumer advocate.

You chose door number three.

If you'd simply returned the merchandise without filing a dispute, you would probably have your money by now. But Rodan + Fields checked its records and found that you still had the product and reported that to Discover. And Discover sided with Rodan + Fields.

Then, after you sent the product back, you filed another dispute. That just confused the company further, and it fought the chargeback and won.

I would not dispute a credit card charge until you've given the company every opportunity to resolve the issue. A chargeback should be your last option, not your first response.

One other tip: Rodan + Fields had your credit card number and believed that you wanted its product. Be extra careful about subscriptions you have with a company because they might send you products that you don't want.

I contacted Rodan + Fields on your behalf and sent the evidence that you had returned the product. The company issued a full refund.

Christopher Elliott is the chief advocacy officer for Elliott Advocacy. Email him at [email protected] or get help with any consumer problem by contacting him at

© 2022 Christopher Elliott


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