Make the McKenzie Connection!
Aug. 2: 22:13: Medical – 91000 block, Dearborn Island Rd. Male, Conscious, Breathing.
Aug. 4: 05:18: Medical – 55000 blk, Delta Rd. Female, Conscious, Breathing.
06:43: Medical - 51000 blk, Blue River Dr. Female, Conscious, Breathing.
18:27: Fall Injury - 59000 blk, McK. Hwy. Blue Pool. Knee injury.
Aug. 5: 20:39: Illegal Burn - Caddis Ln./McK. River Dr. Camper has a fire going on the ground.
Aug. 6: 21:23: Medical – 91000 blk, Alma Dr. Female, Conscious, Breathing.
Aug. 7: 07:32: Medical – 56000 blk, McK. Hwy. Male patient.
The upper McK. Fire district board of directors will hold its monthly meeting at 7 p.m on Wednesday, August 17th, at the McK. Fire Station, 56578 McK. Hwy. in McKenzie Bridge.
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