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Updates to FEMA maps show areas of concern

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposed updates to flood maps for Central Lane County in the mail of local residents. Affected property owners began receiving annual Community Rating System floodplain letters at the end of September.

“Our partners at FEMA have done a great job creating opportunities for residents to view, learn about and provide feedback on these maps,” said Lane County Planning Director Amber Bell.

Officials say the updated flood maps better represent flood risks in the county by showing areas with the highest flood risk. Before the maps become final, people can identify any corrections or question the information by submitting appeals or comments. The maps also reflect the effects of wildfires on the study area since the release of the initial preliminary maps in February 2020.

The Risk MAP process included state recommendations, local community interest, available data, and outdated floodplain mapping. The mapping process was designed to help individuals and communities understand their natural hazard risks and make smart decisions, identify and assess the risk, and work together to support the long-term planning and projects that make a community stronger and safer.

The preliminary map may be viewed online at: More information about the flood maps is available via a live chat service about flood maps at (just click on the “Live Chat” icon). To request a personalized flood map of a property, email: [email protected]


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