Make the McKenzie Connection!
1. "If all ____ fails..."
5. End of philosophical system
8. Center of our orbit
11. Indian flatbread
12. Take down, as in a dragon
13. Yemeni neighbor
15. Homer's "Iliad", e.g.
16. *Copper coin with issuer of Thanksgiving Proclamation
17. A sign or symbol, archaic
18. *A certain famous Mayflower rock
20. *5K, a.k.a. Turkey ____
21. Blair or Hayek
22. Spy org.
23. Like hikers' camps
26. Tourney grid
30. Beehive State native
31. Casual top
34. Money in Milan
35. Belches
37. Roth ___, acr.
38. Low-ranking workers
39. Old Norse texts
40. Major Black Sea port
42. Dog command
43. Resize
45. *Thanksgiving, a.k.a. ____ Day
47. Baby goat
48. Subway entrance
50. Parting words
52. *Massachusetts' contender for first Thanksgiving celebration
55. Oyster gem
56. One thing on a list
57. Of two minds
59. Sonnets and such
60. Mastercard rival
61. Carve in stone
62. Ted Turner's "baby"
63. Lt.'s inferior, in the Navy
64. "James and the Giant Peach" author
1. Compass dir.
2. Arctic native
3. Flying jib, e.g.
4. Enclose in a cyst
5. Part of small intestine
6. *Traditional occupant of the last parade float
7. *Pumpkin pie at the first Thanksgiving, e.g.
8. Asian food thickener
9. *Tbs. or tsp., in Thanksgiving recipe
10. Zip
12. Chews out
13. Ostium, pl.
14. *"____ on 34th Street"
19. '90s TV sitcom "Boy ____ World"
22. TV tube in days gone by, acr.
23. *Sweet one or russet one
24. Short musical composition
25. Smart candy?
26. Women's undergarments
27. Newsstand, e.g.
28. "Sesame Street" Muppet
29. *Dinner exclamation?
32. Sweep under the rug
33. Fury
36. *Lions' opponent this year
38. ____ exclusion principle in physics
40. Like something for a wedding day
41. Bad rep
44. Supermarket walkway
46. Let for money
48. Form of civil disobedience
49. Lock of hair
50. Past participle of "be"
51. Knitter's ball
52. Long live, in French
53. Itty-bitty bit
54. Like part of McDonald's logo
55. Rubber substitute, acr.
58. Stanley Cup org.
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