Make the McKenzie Connection!


THE 1980s


1. *"Heaven's on Fire" band

5. *Setting of "Cheers" TV show

8. Derive

13. "I'm ____ you!"

14. Gas station brand

15. Affirmatives

16. Image in Orthodox Church

17. *Robert Wagner or Stephanie Powers, on TV

18. *Vote for H.W. Bush, e.g.

19. *Weird Al's last name

21. Forum, pl.

22. Dog-____ book

23. Clingy plant

24. Spiky succulent

27. Accumulates (2 words)

31. Turkish military leader

32. Consequence

35. *Wintour of Vogue

36. Zoroaster follower

38. E in B.C.E.

39. #53 Down, third person singular

40. Do like exhaust pipe

41. Hertz' offering

43. Extra cost

44. Expert, in U.K. (2 words)

46. *Ricky Martin's boy band

48. Arrival time acronym

49. *Piano player Lee Curreri on "Fame"

51. *Baltimore player

53. *Mikhail Gorbachev's policy

56. Recipient of money

57. *Umberto Eco's "The ____ of the Rose"

58. Oration station

60. Some tournaments

61. In the thick of

62. Place, in French

63. Not at all good

64. Bitty

65. Other than what is


1. Ornamental pond dweller

2. Deep black

3. Greek promenade

4. Shakespeare's output

5. * Lou Reed's "Home of the ____"

6. Like thick smoke

7. Campus military org.

8. Attractive to look at

9. *"Back to the Future" car

10. One on drugs

11. Cecum, pl.

12. Is, in Paris

14. "A horse is ____ ____, of course, of course"

20. Resin-producing tree

23. Took the bait

24. *Christopher Reeve's sartorial style in "Superman II"

25. Old World lizard

26. Indigenous person from Suriname or Guyana

27. Surveyor's map

28. Mix-up

29. Not married

30. Promenade in Spain

33. Tournament ranking

34. Remains container

37. *Washington's volcano Mount ____ ____

39. *Close of "The Big Chill"

41. Genetic initials

42. Entertained

45. Affirm to be true

47. Cavatappi or udon, sing.

49. Scapegoat's due

50. Fiber crop variety

51. Head of family

52. Deed hearing

53. Chew on

54. Schooner canvas

55. *TV's "Family ____"

56. Sound of explosion

59. *"Peggy ____ Got Married"


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