Make the McKenzie Connection!

County considers Blue River rezoning

Under the proposed changes Lane County would amend the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan and Lane Code Chapter 16 – Land Use and Development Code to implement a Complete Community Plan for the unincorporated community of Blue River.

The action would involve rezoning properties within the community of Blue River to “promote compact, small-town development patterns with an active and convenient pedestrian environment along a mixed-use Blue River Drive, higher density development near Lane Transit District bus stops and the McKenzie River Community School, and mixed-use lands located within the community boundary.”

The Lane County Planning Commission will conduct a work session regarding the draft Complete Community Plan on Tuesday, July 16th, and a Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 6th. The work session will begin at 6 p.m. and the public hearing will begin at 7 p.m. in the Goodpasture Room, Lane County Customer Service Center, 3050 North Delta Highway in Eugene.

For more information, contact Lindsey Eichner, Assistant Planning Director, Lane County Land Management Division, 3050 North Delta Highway, Eugene, OR 97408, 541-682-3998, or [email protected]


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