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Considering character

As president of McKenzie Valley Wellness, the local nonprofit rebuilding the Clinic, I interact with many people in the community. Usually that’s a fun part of my volunteer service. But not always.

In spring, 2022, controversy had risen about McKenzie Valley Wellness (MVW), reflected in articles and letters to the editor in River Reflections. In April, 2022, I learned that Tony Casad was running as a write-in candidate for board seat #3, the position that I held, in MVW’s upcoming annual election of board members.

On April 27, 2022, I called Tony Casad to discuss his concerns about MVW’s financial management. I started to explain why MVW had lost money several years while operating the clinic, and our plans for managing the funds we had to rebuild our clinic that burned on September 7, 2020.

Tony refused to listen to me, started talking loudly over me, and soon began dropping the sh** word and f*** word in his sentences, yelling loudly, and then hanging up on me. Needless to say, I did not call him back. Tony lost his bid to get elected to the MVW board. I won in a landslide (80 votes to Tony’s 27).

Tony Casad may deny that he ever talked that way to me on the phone. I ask that people in this community consider what they know about my character and honesty, and what they know about Tony’s, and decide for themselves who is telling the truth.

My husband, Gene Skrine, has also interacted with Tony Casad. In November 2023, there was a discussion on the Blue River Bulletin Board about the future of the Three Sisters Meadow property. Gene asked online about the Blue River Water Board’s plans to use part of the property for future sanitation district needs. Gene mentioned Josh Cloke and Tony Casad in his post, as he knew they were both on the Water Board. Nobody from the Water Board answered online.

A day or two later, Tony Casad sent an email to me and asked me to forward it to Gene. Gene has given me permission to share the email he got from Tony. Here’s the full text:

“Dear Eugene,

Your recent Facebook post was truly a masterpiece of ignorance and misinformation. I must say, your ability to remain blissfully uninformed is truly astounding. It’s not shocking that your comments were completely off the mark; what’s surprising is your apparent absence from all four of Lane County’s community plan meetings. Were you too busy conjuring baseless opinions to bother attending? The most recent meeting was just last week, but I suppose your calendar was full.

And let’s not forget the Water District board meetings conveniently held every first Wednesday at 6 PM. It’s a shame you haven’t graced them with your presence because, had you bothered, you would know that the Water Board has absolutely nothing to do with the county plans. But alas, your ignorance knows no bounds.

The county project, which you so confidently criticize, was mandated to have three proposals presented, one of which includes no septic system. Perhaps you missed the memo, but comments have been welcomed at every juncture. Unfortunately, you seem to have missed every turn.

Let’s address the $15,000,000 issue, shall we? The Water District did not receive a windfall for studying something; approximately $10,000,000 is earmarked for rebuilding the water system, a project well underway in its engineering stages and set to be completed by 2025. Maybe if you had paid an iota of attention or deigned to attend a meeting, you would be aware of these facts.

The remaining funds have been allocated to various projects up and down the river, including the Lazy Days septic project. It’s quite simple: pay attention, and you might just grasp the complexities involved.

Lastly, your childish tactic of calling out two out of five board members by name in an accusatory and inflammatory manner is nothing short of pathetic. Frankly, it’s about as childish as one can get, but then again, your lack of surprise is duly noted. If you insist on spewing baseless accusations, at least have the decency to educate yourself before opening your mouth. Better yet, if you have questions, muster some courage and attend a meeting. It’s time to grow up.


Tony Casad”

I personally was stunned at Tony’s insulting and vitriolic response to a question about the Water Board’s plans. Gene did not reply to Tony’s email.

As the president of a nonprofit, I do not endorse candidates or election referendums. I can, however, share factual information that may be of interest to voters.

Val Rapp lives in McKenzie Bridge.


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