Make the McKenzie Connection!

"Thank You," Community

“Thank You” … doesn’t seem like powerful enough words for what our community has done this year and years past to help those struggling to make ends meet.

Due to economic conditions the food pantries have been feeding more and more families. Thank You this year to McKenzie Valley Wellness who bought the hams and turkeys for the Christmas Boxes that are given out each year to these families.

Locals Helping Locals contributed Butter and Potatoes for these boxes and Orchid Medical Clinic, McKenzie School, and Forest Service, McKenzie River Trail Run and Bottle Boys helped provide food and toys for these families.

80 families received boxes this year and we gave toys to over 70 children and fed over 200 people.

The McKenzie River Food Pantry was started and supported by Sister John’s Southern Oregon Mission Center. We continue to carry on her mission of supporting those in need.

For the pantry to continue we have been graced with volunteers who have committed their time and energy twice a month to carry out this mission. Over 75 hours a month is given of their time by these volunteers.

We have several regulars and many more volunteers waiting in the wings to be called. “Angels” is what I like to call them. We cannot come to the close of another year and not be anything but extremely humbled and blessed by this community.

Families have already thanked us for the gifts and food. So let us pass on their several message of thankfulness to all of you who participated this year.

We were just the hands that passed on your gifts. So much love is in between the giving and the gifting.

Until they invent a better word to express the heart felt gratitude…”Thank You Community.“


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